
Cotton Prices Fall as Global Supply Glut Looms

Cotton prices continued their downward slide this month, driven by expectations for another year of abundant global supply and swelling stockpiles. The latest monthly report from Cotton Incorporated paints a clear picture: a buyer's market is emerging for cotton. Benchmark cotton futures contracts across the board, including the

US Corn Acreage Shrinks, While Soybean and Cotton Planting Sees an Uptick

The US corn acreage is projected to decrease for the 2024 growing season, while soybean and cotton acreage are expected to increase, according to the latest Acreage report released by the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). The report, based on surveys conducted during the first two weeks

Cotton Prices Retreat as Global Production Rises and Demand Uncertainties Persist

Benchmark cotton prices have retreated over the past month, with most contracts experiencing a decline, according to a report published last week by Cotton Incorporated. While a surge in prices during the second half of May offered a brief respite, the overall trend suggests downward pressure as global production is

China's Cotton Imports Surge to 11-Year High, Driven by Government Reserves and Domestic Shortages

China's cotton imports for the 2023/2024 marketing year are projected to reach a record high, exceeding 14.8 million bales, more than double last year's volume, according to the latest report from the USDA. This surge in imports is attributed to several factors, including purchases

Cotton Prices Under Pressure as Global Supply Increases and Chinese Demand Cools

Cotton prices have experienced a notable decline in recent weeks, with all benchmark prices dropping across the board, as concerns shift from supply shortages to the potential for a surplus in the 2024/25 marketing year, according to a report published by Cotton Incorporated. The July NY/ICE futures contract,

Cotton Prices Face Downward Pressure as Exportable Supplies Rise and Chinese Demand Cools

Cotton prices are expected to come under pressure in the 2024/25 marketing year as global exportable supplies increase and Chinese import demand potentially softens, according to a market report published by Cotton Incorporated on Monday. The report highlights the anticipated surge in global cotton production, particularly from major exporting

Cotton Prices Soften as Supply Concerns Ease and Chinese Demand Uncertain

Cotton prices have retreated in recent weeks, reflecting an easing of concerns about exportable supplies and uncertainty regarding Chinese import demand in the upcoming 2024/25 marketing year, according to a report by Cotton Incorporated. Benchmark prices across major markets have experienced a decline over the past month. The July
Cotton Prices Soften as Supply Concerns Ease and Chinese Demand Uncertain

Global Cotton Consumption Projected to Reach Four-Year High

Global cotton consumption is forecast to rise to 116.9 million bales in the 2024/25 marketing year, marking a four-year high and a significant increase from the previous year's consumption level, according to a report by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) published on Friday. This upward
Global Cotton Consumption Projected to Reach Four-Year High

US Spot Cotton Prices Plummet to Lowest Level Since 2020

US spot cotton prices experienced a significant decline, falling to their lowest level since December 2020, as the market grapples with slow trading activity and limited supplies, according to the latest data published by the USDA. Spot quotations for the base quality of cotton averaged 70.35 cents per pound

US Upland Cotton Sales, Exports See Sharp Drop

Net sales of US Upland cotton for the 2023/2024 marketing year experienced a significant decline, falling 45% from the previous week and 20% from the prior four-week average, according to the latest export sales report from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The report, covering the period of