
EU Farming Sector: An Overview

The EU farming sector is undergoing a significant transformation, characterized by a trend towards fewer but larger farms. While the total agricultural land in the EU remained relatively stable between 2005 and 2020, increasing by a mere 0.3%, the number of farms experienced a substantial decline, dropping by 4.

EU Agriculture and Consumption Trends: An Overview

The European Union's agricultural landscape is undergoing a transformation, driven by evolving consumer preferences and dietary shifts. A key trend is the increasing popularity of plant-based products, fueled by growing health and environmental concerns. Plant Proteins on the Rise Over the past decade, EU consumers have significantly increased

EU Agriculture and Climate Change: An Overview

The European Union's agricultural sector is facing a complex and challenging reality intertwined with climate change. While agriculture contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, it is also highly vulnerable to the impacts of a changing climate. Rising Temperatures and Extreme Weather Events: Global temperatures have been steadily increasing, with

What is the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Policy of China?

China views sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) as a critical element in its strategy to achieve its carbon reduction targets. Recognizing the environmental impact of its large and growing aviation sector, the country has been actively pursuing SAF development for over a decade. Early efforts, led by Sinopec, began in 2009